Finding a patient's GFE

Finding a patient's GFE

Using your Client Portal Homepage

(Step 1) Sign into your portal and locate the Account Admin page by hovering your mouse over the ‘Homepage’ tab on the top left of the screen.

(Step 2) Scroll down to the “search for your patient” box. You can look for a particular patient by typing in their last name in the search box. If you would like all of your patient’s records to load, simply hit the “search” button and they will populate below in descending order.

(Step 3) Your patient's GFEs will populate in the report below, select the row for the corresponding patient in order to print, export, or view that patient’s GFE.

(Step 4) The patients will automatically load by the most recently completed date. If you would like to reorder this list in another way, select the small grey drop down arrow on the corresponding column to update the ordering of this list.

Please note that filtering your records is not permanent, and next time you sign into your portal you will need to reapply the filter.

Using pre-filled Patient Reports

(Step 1) Location the patients tab on the left side of the client portal. Hover your mouse over the patients tab on the left side of the client portal and choose from any of the following: (1) Current Day GFEs, (2) Current Month GFEs, (3) All patient GFEs, and (4) Archived patients

*Archived Patients is for patients seen prior to November 1, 2023

(Step 2) Once you have selected one of the 4 options, you can order / reorder your results by selecting the grey drop down arrow in the corresponding column

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